
A mannequin standing in competitive world, To attract attention, To draw engagement, in world of competition, surrounded by bright lights, and fellow mannequin, Always attentive to, Always exploding sparkles, cherished by its creators, to lure consumers, long working hours, And hardly any break, all holidays attracting more nd more footfalls, environment vivacious, music,gossips,ranting, chirping,giggling crowd,... Continue Reading →


It isn't burnout, it isn't depression, Just joyless and aimless, Languishing, Stagnation and emptiness Piercing through foggy windshield, From low to flourishing, Pondering peak of well being, To be out from valley of despondency,drained, worthless, ill-being , Getting a sense of meaninglessness, Void between low and flourishing and just languishing, Functioning at low capacity ,no... Continue Reading →

Sniffing Motives.

As if , Nobody believe anybody, All are skeptical All are cautious, Sniffing motives, Weighing prospects, Dissecting interaction, Topics and tongue going wayward,. At roundtable in restaurant, Attracting the vulnerable, By natural charm polished, Something struck between two beings, A wide barren land inside, Deep hidden desires awakening, And benefits appearing to outweigh costs, And... Continue Reading →

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